Browse Items (73 total)

Masks on door handle.JPG
homemade masks on door handle

masked snowman.jpg
snowman wearing mask and rubber gloves, as well as the more typical hat and scarf, on Vale Dr. in Essex Junction

Mask out of place.jpg
Discarded face mask in branches on Mansfield Avenue in Essex Junction

mask making.jpg
fabric and sewing materials for mask making in a person's home

mask and toilet paper.JPG
homemade mask displayed against toilet paper

Magnolia Countryside.jpg
Magnolia in bloom in Countryside, Essex Junction

Little free library food shelf.jpg
Little free library with food items as well as books for those in need, including: peanut butter, macaroni and cheese, cans of soup and beans, etc. There is a note attached to the door that says: "We hope you are well. If you need something, pleaseā€¦

Lines in the sky in Countryside in Essex Junction

Library curbside pickup sign.jpg
sign next to wooden "Essex Junction BROWNELL LIBRARY" sign that says: "CURBSIDE PICKUP M-F 10-6 RESERVE WITH ONLINE CATALOG, PHONE, EMAIL"

Jamie cleaning.JPG
Jamie, an employee of Essex Junction Public Works, sanitizing a table in the EJPW office with Clorox disinfecting spray and wearing a mask
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